Eco-Radical Journalists

Amber Bracken – Radical Eco Journalist

Amber Bracken – Radical  Eco Journalist

Amber Bracken is actually a photojournalist known for her exploitation of issues affecting Indigenous peoples in North America.  Amber Bracken Bracken’s career started at the Edmonton Sun before she left to work freelance.

We say exploitation because she never covers both sides of indigenous issues, but only the radical side.

Amber Bracken on one hand she wants the world to see her as a journalist, and on the other she wants to be the hero environmentalist, this has resulted in her doing stories that support her cause as opposed to that of the career where you report on the story.

You can hardly call yourself a journalist when you goal is the slander Canada as a nation, slander the RCMP who uphold law and order, slander the Supreme Court and slander CGL, and still call yourself a journalist reporting on a story.

Let us start with a recently published story on just how this “operative” not journalist works. Keep in mind these so called “land defenders” are all just pawns of Franklin Lopez The secret operative behind the internal war in the Wet’suwet’en family.

The original podcast can be found here


“What was not shown and not reported by the reporters at the scene was the fact that police stood outside the cabin for an hour and more, reading the court injunction explaining their role. At no point do the journalists identify themselves as such until they’re in custody and the arrest is underway.”


So when you add the police video evidence, the truth comes out, that people inside, maybe even the voices of certain people are hurling insults at police for over and hour, without either Michael Toledano and Amber Bracken ever identifying themselves as reporters until the moment of their arrests. Be sure you listen to that entire clip, its mind boggling how these con artists we able to dupe the nation and gullible politicians like Taylor Bachrach. Everything about this appears to be an intentional attempt to manufacture the claim of confrontation to cry press freedom is being violated. Also read Taylor Bachrach sandbags RCMP in Parliament

Her response, is a case of her credibility vs that of Tom Korski who is a former radio man who covered politics for dailies in Winnipeg, Calgary and Edmonton. He was Beijing correspondent for the South China Morning Post of Hong Kong. Tom joined the Press gallery in 1993.

Click to Enlarge


Then this comes to light.

Ian Harvey has written for The Toronto Sun, National Post, Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, Macleans, Readers Digest and many other publications and made the following comments on this very issue.


“Claims they are journalists are suspect. I have been a journalist for 45 years and I would not sign on under these conditions.
These are the restrictions the “journalists” were working under. In which case they were no longer journalists but in fact PR agents IMHO.

“All media requests must be sent to Jennifer Wickham (Molly the ringleader’s sister) through email or phone. All reporting must center,, prioritize and uplift Wet’suwet’en voices and sovereignty (which in this case means the Hereditary Chiefs’ version not the band councils and majority who voted for CGL). Reporting focusing on or using non- Wet’suwet’en voices (supports, etc) must be FIRST approved by Jennifer Wickham. Failure to respect Media Protocol could result in being banned from reporting on Wet’suwet’en stories.”


So I went to Molly and Jennifer’s website to confirm what was posed there and sure enough Ian was right.

Next I went to the RCMP website in regards to this same issue and found the following.

“The RCMP understands the important constitutional role the media play in Canada. They inform the public, challenge the status quo and traditional narratives, and they ignite and foster dialogue on important subjects. The RCMP’s relationship with the media is based on mutual respect and professionalism. Our expectation is the media identify themselves as soon as possible and it is our obligation to ensure they have fair and safe access to observe and report.

The RCMP’s protocols and procedures reflect the Court’s direction and guidance with respect to media access during a protest. The courts have indicated, specifically in Re Brake, 2019 NLCA 17 that considerations for journalist presence in a protest be:

i. The person is engaged in apparent good faith in a news-gathering activity of a journalistic nature;

ii. He or she is not actively assisting, participating with or advocating for the protesters about whom the reports are being made;

iii. He or she does no act that could reasonably be considered as aiding or abetting the protestors in their protest actions or in breaching any order that has been already made;

iv. He or she is not otherwise obstructing or interfering with those seeking to enforce the law or any order that has already been made or is not otherwise interfering with the administration of justice;

v. The matters being reported on are matters that can broadly be said to be matters of public interest. Particular consideration should be given to protests involving aboriginal issues.

These conditions have been included in the Community-Industry Response Group (C-IRG) operational planning and enforcement.”


Considering all of the above, we can say with confidence the police were justified in arresting her, and once again political interference by the prosecution branch prevented her from being charged. That dear people is thanks to Horgan, Cullen and company.

Is it intentional that the same press that is screaming angry over these journalists who were arrested  are also deathly silent about the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network reporter who was banned by the anarchist blockaders?


The reporter was one from the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network. The gall of these so called defenders of journalist freedom of the press, what a bunch of liars.

A journalist is saying a member of the Wet’suwet’en has blocked her from interviews and comments following a pro-pipeline article.

Laurie Gail Hamelin, a reporter with the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network, has been reporting on the Unist’ot’en protest against Coastal Gas Link. Earlier this month a judged approved an injunction against them for blocking the Morice River Bridge. Other Wet’suwet’en clans have also stepped in to protest.

In a Facebook post, user Dini Ze Smogelgem, Hereditary Chief of the Laksamshu Clan, one of the five clans of Wet’suwe’ten Nation, also known as Warner Naziel, posted a photo and circled Hamelin’s name, saying she had been banned from reporting on the standoff with CGL after she wrote an article quoting Helen Michelle, who claims to be a hereditary chief.




#buildthatpipe #Wetsuweten #TidesCanada #WetsuwetenStrong #RCMPstanddown #AllEyesOnWetsuweten #NoTrespass #WedzinKwa #DefendTheYintah #RCMPAreMercenaries #WouldYouShootMeToo #LandDefenders #WaterProtectors #RiseUp #LightYourSacredFires #landback #blockade #takeaction #istandwithwetsuweten #decolonize #landdefenders #protectthesacred #gitxsanterritory #yintahaccess #pipeline

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