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Kolin Sutherland-Wilson “Little White Lies” for Colonials

Well, not quite so little when you see his version of facts is more fluff than facts.  As one of the primary instigators in yet another pipeline battle, you can already see that this has nothing to do with First Nations poverty.



Feasting on prime beef steak and living in portable condos Kolin Sutherland-Wilson (far left) enjoys making his appearance at the at Nass Forest Service Road junction on Highway 37


This story is all about bullshitting the Canadian public, who are living living too far away to have a clue as to what is truth or outright lies. OK let’s have it, here we go an essay in pictures.

I only took 80 sockeye due to low stock numbers. (one single man needs 80 sockeye?)


Salmon numbers are low? Not true at all, this was one of the best or highest counts in the history of the Skeena river, the number today is 1,738,666 and its still going up. 2019 was the last population count I could find for the Gitxsan Nation and the number was 8503. Even using that number times 80 equals 680,240 sockeye just for Gitxsan members alone, now add in the other First Nations groups. In layman’s terms on a non bumper crop year there may not even be enough sockeye based on the Gitxsan demands to allow any other First Nation to have sockeye, let alone let colonials have any. The concept of entitlement has no limits, reconciliation has become a credit card that colonials are required to fund.


Every part of the fish is used? Seriously?



Let’s review the real facts, these fish were caught under the premise of aboriginal food fishing.  These pictures (below) were taken on September 5 at the boat launch adjacent to the Kitwanga River confluence. The photographer, a veteran steelhead angler intimately familiar with the area, reported he counted 42 steelhead heads that day. Another observer present over the same time period, also a veteran angler with long experience fishing the Skeena in the Kitwanga area provided similar pictures and observations. Both anglers reported there were more heads similarly discarded on other days, although those involved figured out they shouldn’t discard them where they were quite so obvious.

According to Kolin Sutherland-Wilson every part of the fish is eaten, so how do you explain all these fish heads?


Has the aboriginal fisheries for Food and Ceremonial purposes become the blank check with zero limits and zero accountability?”


Where are the boundaries between “food, social and ceremonial fishing”, economic opportunity fisheries and easily detectable “other” fisheries.


Would anyone dare to suggest that all of the illegal fish sales going on is unknown to all of the Hereditary Chiefs living in the Skeena watershed? How many decades will we allow them to operate this way while the farce by the Hereditary Chiefs continues like blinders on a mule? Hear nothing, see nothing, know nothing about it. Meanwhile First Nations members all across the northwest are laughing at how gullible colonials really are. Why has that court case not been appealed? Is there political fear in challenging aboriginal rulings? Dumb question right? Its obvious that its become taboo to even question rulings of this nature.

Read this article exposing massive internal corruption by the Gitxsan, and to date none of the other First Nations dare speak out publicly about it. The Supreme Court and those sitting on the bench are hardly ever affected by the decisions they make, nor are they accountable to the general public that suffers from their rulings.  I am quite certain that when these Supreme Court Justices want to go fishing, they do not have issues with paying First nations guides 1000 dollars a day to do so. Or at a time when you and I can no longer afford to feed our family salmon, will they have a problem paying $500 bucks a gram? I seriously doubt it, so leaving locals without fish on their tables should not even come close to the register of caring. If these justices had to face our local communities face to face would they still have made the decision they did? The rich get richer they say “justices” included, and the working man has his right to feed his family set aside by arguments over what injustice was done to someone long long time ago, and allows it to become a cash cow for those with the right DNA in their blood, regardless of how little that might be.

Have we become that arrogant as humans that we have set boundaries based on genetics as to what we can or cannot question? It should be the duty of every government to continually review judgments, and test them against updated facts.


The people fishing at Kitwanga (bottom right) You have move tons of salmon if you have the right DNA and never be questioned by the DFO or BC Conservation Officers, its not a joke, its a crime and these officers are participants of that crime.


Note the complete absence of ice, missing heads and steelhead in the mix.


Considering that the head removal, is not something aboriginal user groups would do, its easy to see the target consumers were non aboriginals.

No ice and full of fish, how long before the remainder not sold are stinking and rotting? Not to mention they were even to lazy to clean the fish first.


Aboriginal fisheries for Food and Ceremonial purposes? Seriously?



Traditional fishing, taxpayer funded jet riverboats and extended nylon gill nets are a traditional right?


In closing we cannot put all of the blame on the Gitxsan, they are merely taking advantage of the stupidity of the Federal and Provincial Governments, and the stupidity of the DFO who, will spend thousands to harass non aboriginal seniors pregnant mothers and everyone else who dares to compete for fish in our rivers. The DFO and the BC Conservation Officers have a policy of hear nothing, no nothing and see nothing when it comes to aboriginals slaughtering salmon and steelhead by the thousands, then bend over backwards to fund them in any way they possibly can, and at the same time playing GOD with tourists, seniors, women and children who are missing that one all important gene.

Likewise when it comes to criminal behaviour, the RCMP must turn a blind eye, and or the Attorney General will make sure its all tossed out of court, our legal system is racist by intent, the Liberal/NDP need it to be that way. Welcome to Pipelines 2.0 If you or I were to blockage a road, we would quckly discover DNA is everything about the devision of humans by race as we would all find the inside of a jail cell real quick if we did what they are doing. Why do we elect people who keep doing this to us?

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