Greg Knox
The Eco Activist profile of Greg Knox
Greg Knox went to Royal Roads University and has a Master’s Degree in the Field Of Study Environmental Management (2008-2001) as well as a Bachelor’s Degree in the Field Of Geography (1997-2000)
The following is from his own Linkedin page.
Greg Knox was hired as the Executive Director of Skeenawild Conservation Trust in October of 2007, and is responsible for the overall management of the Trusts activities. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Geography from the University of Northern BC in 2000, after which he became a certified Fisheries Technician and Field Supervisor with the Nisga’a Fisheries program. In 2003, Greg partnered in an ecotourism business based out of Terrace where he specialized in guided grizzly bear and jet boat tours while continuing with his fisheries work. In 2013, Greg completed a Masters in Environmental Science at Royal Roads University which developed a framework for implementing a collaborative freshwater salmon habitat-monitoring program in the Skeena watershed. Greg sits on the Northern Panel of the Pacific Salmon Commission, is a board member of the Bulkley Valley Research Centre, and a Steering Committee member of the Friends of Wild Salmon Coalition.
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Skeenawild Conservation Trust also reported zero foreign funding and yet U.S. tax returns show that it was paid $1.5 Million (2009-2012) from the Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation. Based in San Francisco, Moore is the biggest funder of environmental groups in B.C. and has granted $140 million over the past decade. Of that, $90 million was for projects on the north coast of B.C. To its credit, SkeenaWild acknowledges that its foreign funding was reported incorrectly and for 2014, SkeenaWild reports that more than 80% of its million dollar budget is from outside Canada. (source Everything you need to know about the Tides Foundation)
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Here is some of the activities used by Greg to influence people to support a very once sided view of our environment, one where the end goal is a complete shutdown of industry. When you see what he does and only see one item, you might think he cares, but when you see he has something to oppose every development, you can see its an end all plan.
- Here we have a Tides Funded Eco-radical using the UNBC Terrace Campus, University of Northern British Columbia to give a talk in responsible development “Responsible Resource Development in Northwest BC” Just how can this NOT be tainted? This kind of political abuse needs to come to an end. We cannot allow our education systems to be the tools of left wing factions.
- Agenda of the Regular Meeting of Council being held March 8, 2016 Presentation by Greg Knox, Skeena Wild Conservation Trust, regarding proposed LNG projects and their potential impacts to Bulkley/Morice salmon and steelhead
- “Vopak brings the risk of a spill of highly toxic diesel oil and gasoline from train derailments, tanker accidents and spills at the offloading facility,” Greg Knox, executive director of SkeenaWild Conservation Trust, told The Narwhal. “Such spills are very difficult to clean up once they enter the river or marine environment.” December 3, 2020
- In a letter to CN Rail, executive director of Skeena Wild Greg Knox also asked for a more substantial assessment. “CN and Transport Canada has not sufficiently outlined the probability of accidents, the volatility of goods, and, most importantly, the level of risk to people and water resources,” he wrote. “The environmental assessment processes for these projects does not include rail transport of these products.”
- In a report due out this week, SkeenaWild Conservation Trust and the Lake Babine Nation say an analysis of monitoring data from mine owner Glencore shows wastewater from the mines has included elevated levels of heavy metals, including copper contamination up to 20 times greater than provincial water quality guidelines. (funny how the same ingredients had no effects on record breaking runs a few years ago)
At the time, the commercial fishing industry was given priority over the Indigenous food fishery, according to Greg Knox, executive director of SkeenaWild Conservation Trust. “Historically, the commercial fisheries were catching probably about 70 to 80 per cent of the sockeye that were coming into the Skeena River,” he said in an interview. “That sort of pressure is not sustainable.” Oct 15, 2020
- The Prince Rupert Port Authority (PRPA) is partnering with SkeenaWild Conservation Trust by investing $50,000 from its Skeena River Salmon Enhancement Program into research that will play an important role in the future recovery of wild salmon stocks in British Columbia. 15/10/2020
- Greg Knox, Executive Director of SkeenaWild Conservation Trust stated “Alaska’s constitution requires that conservation targets for their salmon populations are met before harvesting is allowed. It is irresponsible and unethical for Alaska to knowingly ignore these principles when it comes to Canada’s salmon.” (False Accusations) A very least its grandstanding on lies to get support from local fisherman.
- Greg Knox, executive director of the SkeenaWild Conservation Trust, shared the angler’s concern last year, saying it’s crucial the integrity of that First Nations licence be upheld. Otherwise, he said, “It becomes the wild west of fisheries management, where if you have some sort of arrangement or you have money to purchase one of these permits from a First Nation, you essentially have the same rights as First Nations to harvest fish.” (Speaking against a food-fishing permit (to rich white people) issued by the Lax Kw’alaams band) May. 10, 2019
Greg Knox, executive director of SkeenaWild Conservation Trust, said he finds COVID-19 to be “a poor excuse” for a further extension. “They’ve had five years since their permit. They received another five years and we’re only a year into that extension and they’re already asking for additional time,” he said. (Regarding Seabridge Gold’s application for an extension. Aug 19, 2020)
SkeenaWild Conservation Trust executive director Greg Knox said climate change should be the top priority for any politician hoping to represent the region. “It’s already here and impacting our fish and our water and our glaciers and our forests,” he said in an interview. “We have fewer salmon coming back due to climate impacts on the ocean and there are more floods and droughts in river systems. We see disease outbreaks in our forests and forest fires are increasing.” (Here ya go, the excuse) Given the impacts of climate change, Knox said local politicians need to explore how to reduce other pressures on the landscape. “They should be talking about how they’re going to improve resource extraction, like mining and forestry and development, in the face of climate change,” he said. “They have to be reducing the pressures on the landscape.” (Reduce meaning a shutdown of all resource industries)
- Fake news? Not in northwestern B.C. read the obnoxious reply by Greg Knox, this guy is a master of manipulation and spin if you see what he does in an overall perspective. Below is one of the comments the article received on the Terrace Standard Facebook Page.
The following is a reply this article by Ralph Weick from Prince Rupert B.C. (Facebook)
Fake news? Not in northwestern B.C. In the Terrace Standard. He suppresses the truth. Surrounding PNW LNG he had repeatedly asked for independent studies as he didn’t trust the proponent funded science. When I provided SWCT with independent work conducted by Metlakalta and lax Kw’alaams he deleted it and blocked me. Proved to me that he didn’t care about the truth, only about advancing his agenda.
I’d like to reply directly to Greg Knox’s letter regarding “fake news” that he feels groups such as Skeena Wild Conservation Trust (SWCT) and Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition (SWCC) are being accused of.
I don’t know if “fake news” is the best way to describe what has been released but some of it certainly has been misleading and has definitely helped to form opinion based on misinformation. I don’t have any problem if anyone wants to oppose this industry – that’s their right – but I do have a problem with groups such as these having so much influence and having such an impact on our future while spreading information that is misleading, passing off opinion off as fact and over exaggerating possible impacts to achieve their goals.
In February 2016, SWCT sponsored a group of Russian scientists to come to our region and discuss the impacts that LNG has had on salmon stocks in the Sakhalin region of Russia. Here is some of what SWCT shared on their page and released to several other outlets…
“Aniva Bay once has the 3rd largest runs of Pink salmon in the world; since the LNG facility was built the salmon runs in this area have collapsed”…/the-russians-tour-northwest…
It infers that LNG has impacted salmon stocks in Russia. I conducted hours of research to try and find some evidence to support their claim but could not find a shred that LNG had a detrmental effect on salmon in that region or anywhere else. What I did find is that the area is subject to illegal and unregulated overfishing and weirs placed instream to stop upstream migration. No where was there any mention of LNG.
And most recently…
“In addition to Kamchatka, among the other regions, which are characterized by record salmon catch figures are Sakhalin (103,000 tonnes), as well as the Khabarovsk Territory ( 85,000 tonnes).”
Theres also comments released such as this that stir up emotional responses and are nothing more than opinion, not fact.
“Wrecking the planet is not essential to our economy”…/climate_scientists_from…
“We need to look at salmon enhancement, not salmon destruction.”…/northern_chiefs_lawsuit…
“The Agency gave the Environment Minister flawed information and conclusions about the project’s impacts on fish and fish habitat,” said Greg Knox, Executive Director of SkeenaWild.”…/press-release-pnw-lng-legal…
Again, opinion. Because he doesn’t agree with the conclusions its flawed?
The EA was comprehensive and even funded groups like SWCT, SWCC and others to participate.…
And their input was considered..
“This valuable public input was carefully reviewed, considered, documented and taken into account in the development of the environmental report and conditions.”…
In March 2016, Mr. Knox said, “Some up front planning and independent science would be a good start.”…/skeenawild-reacts-to-pro…
In fact, independent science was conducted by both the Tsimshian Enviornmental Stewardship Authority (TESA), and Lax Kw’alaams Band. When I tried to share this information with SWCT on their facebook page it was deleted and I was blocked. Tells me that they don’t respect the independent science that they so dearly sought, but are only interested in finding ways to say no.
In November 2015, TESA released this..
“We are perplexed that those opposing the project are coming to conclusions before key evidence is heard and finalized.”
While I don’t have a direct link to share, I do have a hard copy of the studies conducted by Lax Kw’alaams. The work was done by Dr. Michael Davies of Coldwater Consulting who has over 30 years experience as a coastal engineer, Brian Emmett of Archipelago Marine who has over 30 years experience as a fish habitat biologist, and Matt Hammond of PGL Environmental who has 15 years of experience as a biologist specializing in environmental impact assessment. Alex Gryzbowski of Pacific Resolutions was retained to facilitate this independent review.
To summarize their findings on the concerns that Flora Bank may collapse it was stated, “The speculation that Flora Bank may collapse is not based on clear scientific evidence.
I have more to add but I’m close to exceeding my 5000 character limit.