Killing the Telkwa Coal Mine Project?

Normally when I read posts, I do not jump to conclusions, but in this case the words “What matters most in our valley” and see a number of members from What Matters In Our Valley (WMIOV) it becomes hard not …

BC Forests on Fire thanks to Stand.Earth and Eco.Junkies

One of the primary objectives of this website has been to spotlight how outsiders are seriously damaging our way of life in Northern British Columbia.

Our title is no accident, these people are creating a perfect storm for forest fires

Sharon Priest-Nagata – National Observer – Tides Foundation.

Extremist environmentalists never stop,  always plotting and scheming how to damage or stop any progress from happening in Northern British Columbia. I am not certain if its about living off of Tides funding or if it about the feel good

Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition – Pipeline Wars

Great crowd, free food by the same people who wanted your signature opposing this new pipeline. They received over 90 Thousand Dollars from outside sources to convince locals to say NO.


Before I say anything here is the sales …

Wilburforce Foundation – Funding Eco Radicals in Skeena again.


Looks like a new wave of funding by financiers outside of Canada is under way. The Wilburforce Foundation just handed out new grants to local radical groups. Both SkeenaWild Conservation Trust and Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition received