Bullitt Foundation

The Bullitt Foundation is funding a number of Canadian radical environmental groups. They are funding the University of Victoria Environmental Law Centre (undisclosed amount) and also  Ecojustice Canada to the tune of $50000


The David and Lucile Packard Foundation

When you search for information on the David and Lucile Packard Foundation the internet is flooded (probably by them) with praises and accolades speaking about how righteous these folks are. Those that did dig deep have copyrighted their work so …

Natural Resources Defence Council


From their American website

“NRDC is the nation’s most effective environmental action group, combining the grassroots power of more than three million members and online activists with the courtroom clout and expertise of some 750 lawyers, scientists, and other

Wilburforce Foundation

The bottom line is the Wilburforce Foundation is an American influence peddling organization (buying public opinion) with the use of misleading and outright false information. It should be illegal for organizations from outside of Canada to manipulate the voters of …

Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

Must Read articles on the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. You need to read these to believe just how much and how deeply a foreign foundation is meddling into Canadian affairs.

QUIETLY RE-WRITTEN: How the Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation