Fake Indians launch protests at BC Goverment House
We begin this story by exposing some very interesting facts, we were able to determine who put this rude and abusive gong show at BC Goverment House in motion, a compete show of disrespect by people who do not deserve any respect or support. While the groups involved did not fly any organization’s banner, the protest was put together by members of Dogwood BC, the Wilderness Committee, and Stand.earth, and no aboriginal band was represented, but these foreign funded groups were hiding behind 3 (paid aboriginals) to justify their presence here. Without hiring some aboriginals they would too easily have exposed themselves as foreign funded agitators. Not just any aboriginals as we will expose before we close this article.
The one point we can confirm already is that “NO” aboriginal youth were present here. What we can and will show you that this entire scheme was quickly hatched by the Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition.
The Ecoradicals brag that a Coast Salish Matriarch led the procession. Let’s be honest here. This act of civil disobedience was not sanctioned by the Coast Salish Nation but rather someone seeking attention and funding, that claimed to be Coast Salish .
Let’s look at what they brought as cover for their operations.
The reality, they used Rose Henry renamed her “Grandma Losah” as their centerpeice excuse to show up there in a wilfully act of disturbing the peace. Somehow if you bring an indian you are now entitled to break the law. We have complete respect for aboriginals in British Columbia but disrespect groups using them to break the law and think if they can find a few willing to take bribes, that it justifies breaking the law.
We need a new law that requires them to disclose where every donation came from and what they spent it on, its time to end money laundering be Eco Cult organizations.
Rose Henry (Grandma Losah) is the centrepiece poster-child for the “protest industry” in it for the money. Klasom Satlt’xw Losah (Rose Henry) is a full time professional protester and posterchild, is completely financed by the protest industry. Rose Henry (Grandma Losah) in no way represents the Coast Salish Nation or is a representative for the Coast Salish Nation, she is acting on her own with the support of Eco Cult movement.
Rose Henry according to herself claims to be a two spirited person. Having listened to her story, I can only conclude that she was likely been manipulated with both money and recognition. She rants on a lot about very strange things see for yourself (https://youtu.be/HoXF5AMzjFM) I would conclude she is definitely not retarded, but the level of education might be a reason why she is here. Rose Henry (Grandma Losah) was also a centerpeice for the Fairy Creek old-growth logging protests.
NOTE: The entire group is non aboriginal other than the three aboriginal women, we counted a total of 20 people including the three aboriginals. The person on the microphone says she is Tina Mowatt. What every needs to know about Tina is she has been a working adult for over a decade. The person on the megaphone trying hard to hide her face from the camera is Gina Mowatt she is hardly considered as “youth” when she has been living on Vancouver Island at the Vancouver Island University since 2013 and has been living and working at the Vancouver Island University for the last 11 years. Gina Mowatt has been the Aboriginal Recruitment Officer at the Vancouver Island University for the last 8 years.
So the statement by these or other Eco Radicals is false, no youth were present at the BC Goverment House, it was radicals trying to get attention, even telling lies to get it.
The third aboriginal in this group is none other than Drew Harris, and we are quite sure she was sent here by the Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition Drew Harris, an event organizer who introduced herself as Wet’suwet’en on her mother’s side and Gitxsan on her father’s side plays the role depending on the need in regards to audience. In this event she played Wet’suwet’en, even though her agenda is that of a small group of radicals trying to control the Kispiox Valley and surrounding territories for their Heli-skiing and fish guiding operations. For more info on this see this link. Shannon McPhail
The claim that Gitxsan Youth were demanding anything is an outright lie. Other than one aboriginal that likely was not even Gitxsan, we counted only 3 aboriginal people in the videos, all the rest of the people were there at the request of American funded anti gas and oil organizations. This was a disgusting display abusive use of Canadian rights and freedoms.
In the video below they simply took some of the footage from the organizers against oil and gas, then added their own footage to make this next video.
Note at the 0:13 mark of the video is Deborah Good saying “I will die on this territory if I have to.” her comments omit to say she is not even standing on Gitxsan unceded land, the land in question belongs to the people building the pipeline, the Nisg̱a’a Nation. Below this video we will post another photo she herself posted online. Deborah Good is on the board of directors of the Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition For most people this is where the story ends but not for us, if you want to see the massive conflict of intrest, and just how selfish and self serving these people are, read our profile of Shannon McPhail
About the photo below, Deborah Good posted it on her Facebook page. Look at who is standing beside her, none other than John Ridsdale. Then note Molly Wickham also made this photo opt. Then we have in the middle Jesse Stoeppler, SWCC co-chair, and Shannon McPhail so its not hard to guess the Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition paid for this new banner. Somehow this radical misrepresentation of the public thinks they can manipulate North Coast MLA Tamara Davidson by injecting her into this video. Seriously this same group of people live in a riding next door, they have no say in voting for or against Tamara Davidson who does have a duty to support the Nisg̱a’a Nation who is initiating this project. (Is this a case of dumb and dumber?)
We should also add that with the NDP in such a precarious position in Victoria, for North Coast MLA Tamara Davidson to decide against the pipeline could result in the proverbial hill you wish to die on. If we have an election soon, and its almost impossible for that not to happen, for Tamara Davidson to rule against the people she represents could seal her own fate in the next election.
NOTE: Quote from Mike Graeme “Gitxsan land defenders and supporters disrupted the NDP swearing-in ceremony at Government House today” then look at the photo, only 3 look aboriginal, none are living on Gitxsan territory. its an outright lie. This was organized by members of Dogwood BC, the Wilderness Committee, and Stand.earth (formerly known as the unethical ForestEthics group caught red handed at publishing outrageous lies.)
In regards to the second video, of the extremely rude and illegal actions by this group of hoodlums, its at the bottom of this page.
While the group did not fly any organization’s banner, the protest was put together by members of Dogwood, the Wilderness Committee, and Stand.earth, standing in solidarity with members of the Gitxsan and Wet’suwet’en nations. Coast Salish Matriarch Grandma Losah led the procession.
People like Mike Graeme, who show up or help organize many of these projects do so for the objective of anarchy, they hide behind a camera claimng to be there as a journalist, when in fact they are part of the heartbeat of the Eco cult. These people use the freedoms given to them by Canada to try to destroy the very core of what makes this nation so great. This guy is not new, he is a full time professional protester who makes his living fighting against the way of life Canadians created and went to war for. Defending our freedoms yet these lunatics want to take that away from us, by grabbing every protest and making it their own. He is a journalist living off the backs of Canadians as a Local Journalism Initiative Writer for rags like the The Narwhal and The Tyee. He loves hiding the fact he grew up among us in Nelson B.C.
For him to show up and be part of the disruption of democracy at Government House shows us that he has more than just squandered his rights as a citizens, he is abusing the rights of all British Columbia citizens by disrupting the swearing in ceremony at Government House.
Late add on, we have a photo of the three so called aboriginals, and so called youth everyone in this photo is over 30 years of age. Be sure you note the connection between them and terrorists from Palestine.
Kai Nagata, you are such a liar, you just sent out emails saying quote. “On Monday, Gitxsan youth stood on the grounds of Government House in Victoria, calling on B.C.’s new cabinet ministers to let the Prince Rupert Gas Transmission pipeline expire. ”
You are such a liar, there were absolutely no youth present at this gong show you created.