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Kispiox Activists – Anti Industry Freeloaders

As most of you already know, normal people do not do blockade roads or agitate the pubic, they seek to do things in a democratic way, they bring people together at a table and work with others to achieve changes. The people that have a need to blockade, are often doing so, as a career, they can avoid doing what the rest of us in society does daily, its called work. By living off society as opposed to contributing to it they seek to take the shortcut to obtain personal wealth. There are others who have so much to personally gain from blocking industry, again for purely selfish reasons. There are two groups in Kispiox, those who make it a full time career and those who are part time (income supplements) to their day jobs. Oh but they will tell you they care so much that they are sacrificing their time and effort, but never tell you the complete story, that said we will fill in the blanks. It has often been said its not what they tell you, its what they don’t tell you that will hurt you. That said, the story below is a case of if the shoe fits.


The coalition of the Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition and Dogwood BC (formerly Dogwood Initiative) were actively blockading/slowing traffic at the Hagwilget Bridge, an intentional slowdown and propaganda event, undisclosed is who paid for the leaflets handed out, full glossy not so cheap leaflets. Was this another Dogwood/Tides funded program? As they say pictures can tell a thousand words, so here goes. Some of the people here include, Drew Harris, a youth organizer for the Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition, Kia Negata as well as Molly Henderson Communications and Campaigns Coordinator for Dogwood BC.

Scroll down that link and see how much Tides was funding Dogwood BC.  Tides funded them to the tune of $2.7 million (2008 – 2016) and we have not added up what they have received since that date, its highly likely they received a lot more than that as it appears to be an annual donation to their causes. Did Dogwood pay any of them to be there?  A lack of laws allows them to hide all that information. Then look at the Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition (click on the link) and they were American funded to close to a million dollars.

These fools are not aware that Tides funding and most American funding originates from their oil and gas industry to block Canada as competition, while buying our oil and gas cheap so they can resell it for a profit.

“All those funds trickle down into blockaders pockets”
“Why work for a living?”

Funny how photos can say a thousand words, look who is in the photos.


Next slide is who the 4 others are. The photos were taken by Elizabeth and by coincidence is also from Kispiox




Molly Henderson Communications and Campaigns Coordinator for Dogwood BC


Kia Nagata is also on the board of directors for the Eco-radial environmentalist group called Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition as well as communications director for Dogwood BC


Sharon Priest-Nagata mother of Kia Nagata but is also heavily involved in activism.


Hmmmm I read there that means higher bills for “natural gas” this flyer is for residents of Old Hazelton and Kispiox that do not have natural gas. Go figure all is fair in love and war, lies included. Now who is killing off all the sockeye salmon? Keep reading. Fresh water at risk, who makes up these lies?



We are so grateful you brought up the issue of fish, we will expand on the content of your flyer below.


Click to Enlarge





Now comes the question of who paid for and just how truthful are these flyers? Keep reading, its all connected at the hip.




Not so long ago we saw this one, hosted by Kispiox River Lodge, for those who are not aware Kispiox River Lodge is owned and operated by Hannah and Simon Stockner, their parents Todd and Kathy Stockner, own a bed & breakfast and steelhead guiding operation in the Kispiox Valley. As well as being a director of SWCC, Todd also sits on the executive steering committee of Friends of Wild Salmon, is an active member of the North Coast Steelhead Alliance, as well as a member of Western Canada Wilderness CommitteeThat is what the do not mind you knowing, keep reading for the rest of the story. (Those links are to other Tides funded radical groups)


There has been a lot of online chatter recently about all of the illegal guiding going on in Kispiox, and that Todd Stockner was fighting charges (a few years ago) for exceeding his rod day quota on the Kispiox (based on public comments it appears that practice is a norm with Kispiox guides) The odd part is in spite of so many people being aware of those charges, the public record was cleansed of such charges showing publicly. It must be nice having people inside the BC Environment ministry going to bat for you, so its now an off the record charge.)

For those of you who do not know what this means, the Fish and Wildlife set limits as to how many days each guide can fish in order to protect the steelhead stocks, an ongoing joke in Kispiox obviously. They went from some management to blinker wearing management by Fish and Wildlife officers.

When you read forums that are about spey fishing you keep coming across comments about the illegal guiding, a former Fish and Wildlife employee dances around the edges of illegal guiding on a regular basis today, also that American enviromentalists are now living and working in the Kispiox valley, setting the new rules, working for both the DFO and the same Gitxsan who are offering “Pay to Play’ guiding services.

Outright unlicensed guiding, accommodation rental complete with shuttle services. That all comes under the legal definition of guiding but, it’s the Kispiox where this has been a way of life for decades now. Be sure you pay for your “Pay to Play” or you will find key trails down the length of your car or truck, right down to the shining metal, and nobody will see it happen. Those living between Smithers and Terrace know all to well the cost of trying to fish the Kispiox without feeding the wallets there.

Everyone from the Kispiox Village to non aboriginals (Kispiox residents) seems to be in cahoots with milking the public for money. Even goods and services, the insanely high value given to their products. If your not rich and not leaving cash, do not come here. The river is reserved for Kispiox locals to make money.

Next on our list of eye opening calling the kettle black” those who claim salmon are at risk, steelhead are at risk, but the squealing crowd from Kispiox, does more to harm these fish stocks than this pipeline ever will.

Todd and Kathy Stockner


There are two ways to tell a story, the top is a version by eco radicals, the bottom is from First Nations. Its the same location today on the lower shot but they will never show you today’s version.

The Clore river when Eco Fanatics post this location on Social Media


What the Clore river looks like today, its nice clean and healthy, the pipe running below it will never affect fish in this river, its natural gas, not black oil or tar.


Note in particular that this is hosted by the the Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition but equally important look at the Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition. who are also the subject of destroying salmon stocks, thousands in both the Skeena and Nass Rivers.

First on the Nass, not for ceremonial use, but for commercial dog food, not just the excess salmon but wiping out those allowed into Meziadin Lake. Let me quote from here. Exclusive access to the boat launch by the impressive fleet of what appear to be new, or nearly so, vessels obviously facilitated a major harvesting program. I have no idea what that harvest has been but it was comprised of 100% wild fish that were anything but “surplus” to the ecology of Meziadin Lake and its surroundings.

This from the same Gitanyow Hereditary Chiefs working with the Tides Foundation to block a pipeline from the Nisga’a Nation, In the same river the Nisga’a Nation also have claimed title to. So the Kispiox activists take sides with the Gitanyow Hereditary Chiefs simply because it fits their paid assignment from the Tides Foundation?

Taxpayers funded $10M to construct a sockeye hatchery on the Kitwanga. It would be operated by the Gitanyow. Let me quote from this article Who decided that taxpayers should finance a sockeye conservation hatchery operated by one group of the Gitanyow First Nation while members of that same First Nation fish with indiscriminate gill nets right on top of the waters those promised enhanced sockeye frequent? (Note that sockeye in hatcheries is not a success story. That was the reason for choosing spawning channels decades ago.) Why would the Gitanyow Fisheries Authority itself choose to turn a blind eye to continuous drift netting in waters where the species and stocks it claims to be dedicated to conserving are certain to be present?


In a nutshell they do not give a dam about saving salmon, its all about control and money, not their money, taxpayers money, plus the bonus of Tides funding.  Its not even about if the pipeline will be built, it will be built, the question now is how much payer and money can a group of chiefs get from goverment before the pipe is in the ground. The go fund me has already started, could it become anotherMolly’s Millions?”

Wow information and in exchange we come bearing gifts of door prizes? They would not come just to listen to you otherwise?


This brings us to the next “pull the wool over your eyes” by the SWCC there is no such thing as Youth of the Gitxsan Lax Yip, its a page created and run by the Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition




Recall how these same people (Gitanyow Hereditary Chiefs) took out a full page ad in the Interior News telling the public that we were violating Gitxsan culture by playing with fish? They were referring to fishing with rod and reel, something they too have been doing for sport for over 50 years that I have fished that river. Yet its perfectly fine that Gitxsan guides are taking over 1 thousand dollars a day from rich clients, they demand payments from non aboriginals on the Kispiox for the right to play “Pay to Play” These are the same people committing to the wholesale slaughter of salmon and steelhead stocks.



These are the same people telling us to stop the pipeline or the pipeline will wipe out the fish, seriously how stupid do you think the public is? And before anyone asks, what has Nathan Cullen done about this problem? Well he heard nothing, saw nothing so admits nothing, other than please vote for me again.

They are the same people killing off steelhead and illegally selling them to the public. So who are you going to trust?

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