Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative

Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative would not even have been on our radar, but for their connections to two radical groups, Wildsight and Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition.

The Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative is run by an American –  Dr. Jodi Hilty and is technically speaking based out of Canmore, Alberta, Canada even though she is from the USA.

Since 1993, more than 450 partner groups have joined forces to support the shared mission and vision. Y2Y’s work is a collaborative effort of conservation groups, government agencies, Indigenous governments, landowners, wildlife scientists, planners, businesses, economists, and other individuals and groups interested in protecting native wildlife, ecological processes, and wilderness in the Rocky Mountains of North America.

The BC NDP Government has posted on its website an abstract written by Peter Aengst and American who is the Senior Regional Director, Northern Rockies Region for the Wilderness Society also out of Bozeman, MT USA.

Its almost a case of who is kissing who’s, it sure not a Canadian project.

Follow the Money

Here is where it gets sketchy, the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative is funded by The Woodcock Foundation, based in New York, USA.

Note over half a million in sideways shuffle funding.
Note over half a million in sideways shuffle funding. Click to Enlarge)


  We Need a Law – That governs Vote Manipulation.

Ethical rules of conduct by all organizations, media outlets and websites that are funded, and or, to influence the voters and financed by any sources outside of its board of directors on both elected and non-elected organizations. Any organization that uses public education, advocacy, protest, negotiation and non-violent direct action tactics or pays others, to achieve its goals using any money other than personal funds should be required to have an official audit, all funding received or distributed must be accounted for and that information must be public.

Contrary to leftists claims that environmentalist support is a gauge of public support, this is a outright lie, almost all support is obtained by way of funding misleading and false advertisements and organized staged protests by paid protestors

Hiding funds coming in and or being disbursed must be considered fraud.

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