Eco-Radical Organizations

University of Victoria Environmental Law Centre

If you are like me, a non professional layman you might also have thought that a university  (a Canadian University)  it would get its funding from Canada. Likewise you would think that the university in question would be teaching students for the benefit of Canadians and not its American donors.

Let me quote from their website,  you can’t make this stuff up.


Another American Funded Environmental Organization


“In 1996, the ELC became both a credit course (the Clinic) and an incorporated society. The ELC ran for years solely on the steam of student volunteers and a diverse, experienced Board of Directors. Seed funding from the Law Foundation of BC, the Bullitt Foundation, Tides Canada Foundation, Ted McWhinney and others responded allowed the clinic to hire a legal director and administrator. This growth in the clinic attracted funding from the Tula Foundation, which supported ELC core operations for 10 years. Today, the ELC’s core operations are supported through private donors and several foundations, including the Law Foundation of BC, North Family Foundation, Sitka Foundation and Oasis Foundation. “

We don’t have the time to cover all  (unlinked)  Foundations, however they are all part of how money gets laundered from outside of Canada into the pockets of those trying to manipulate Canadian decision making.


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