Eco-Radical Organizations

Raven Trust

Funding the radical minority, its not a painting of justice but gross interference.

Raven Trust makes the claim “Join us in our mission to provide access to justice for Indigenous Nations.” They are in fact a very well funded organization with an annual budget that comes near half a million annually. While disguised as working for First nations they are collaboration with so many non so native Eco-activist organizations, inclusive of  Skeenawild Conservation Trust and Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition Its not hard to stick your nose in any part of British Columbia as its all unceded aboriginal land. There may be more local organizations they are involved with, this is what I found in a two minute search.


Funding the radical minority, its not a painting of justice but gross interference. (Click to enlarge)


Funding the radical minority, its not a painting of justice but gross interference. (click to enlarge)


Like so many organization, they are hiding who runs it, however we did uncover the list they provided to Revenue Canada. Call me what you want but in reviewing their website I distinctly felt I was reviewing an aboriginal organization, when the directors list was exposed it turns out to be yet another bunch of white folks living off the Indian theme song. Its appalling how many non aboriginals make a living thinking and speaking for aboriginals. Raven Trust is primarily just another anti Tarsands crusade disguised as support for aboriginals.

They do allow some aboriginals on the board, if they fit the agenda.

I am going to suggest its time people stopped using our aboriginals as cash cows and allowed them to think and act for themselves.

CLARA BRADLEY  – Secretary
SUSAN GEE – Director
RONALD LAMEMAN-  Vice President
KARL MECH – Treasurer
SUSAN SMITTEN – Executive Director

Programs / Activities

Ongoing Programs
RAVEN Is Currently Involved With Two Main Projects: Support For Beaver Lake Cree Nation (BLCN) In Its Legal Action To Protect Their Traditional Lands And Way Of Life From The Expanding Tar Sands Development; And Support For The Tsilhqot’in National Government , Which Includes The Xeni Gweti’n First Nation In Protecting Their Sacred Lake And Surrounding Land From The Proposed Taseko Mines Gold-Copper “New Prosperity” Mine.

Pay close attention to funds from outside of Canada (click image to enlarge)

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