Eco-Radical Activists

Taylor Bachrach

The Eco Activist profile of Taylor Bachrach

Taylor Bachrach – Born and raised in McBride B.C. he holds a Executive Leadership Certificate obtained through the Simon Fraser University, and a Degree Name Bachelor of Science (B.Sc. Hons) from the University of Victoria.

His wife Michelle Larstone is the Community Engagement Specialist currently employed by the NDP Government from 2018 to present.

Michelle grew up in Vancouver and Victoria before moving to the Bulkley Valley in 2005. After completing a degree at SFU, she went on to work with at-risk youth until an epiphany led her to the Sierra Club of BC and a new career. She has since been helping not-for-profit organizations raise money and communicate more effectively. She works a little with the Bulkley Valley Research Centre and spends the rest of her time in sunny Telkwa with her two little girls and her partner Taylor. Michelle started with the Bulkley Valley Research Centre in May 2008.

*We highlighted the 2006 “Bachrach donates nearly $500 to Cullen’s campaign” for a reason, notice the donation to Cullen was even prior to his moving to the Bulkley Valley, it itself should raise red flags about something going on within the NDP/Sierra Club ranks. Cullen personal contributions 2006  *This is the declared list of contributions made to Nathan Cullen in 2006.

R. to l: Knox, Ivan Thompson (Merrans husband…Moore Fdn/Tides VP) , Merran Smith Forest Ethics…Clean Energy Cda..Tides projects; Bachrach; 2 wives who I need to refresh my memory…Larstone next to Bachrach probably…and then Knoxs wife on left end??

In brief, here’s the timeline;

  • 1996 – 2000 – Degree Name Bachelor of Science (B.Sc. Hons) from the University of Victoria.
  • 2001 worked with the Fraser Headwaters Alliance previously known as the Canoe-Robson Environmental Coalition (CREC)
  • Bachrach worked for Dogwood as the director from 2002 to 2007 (Dogwood was also funded directly by CorpEthics, USA at that time)
  • 2002 Taylor Bachrach worked as a Communications Director for Sierra Club BC (a U.S.-based environmental organization)
  • 2003 – present Owner of Bachrach Communications
  • 2006- Bachrach donates nearly $500 to Cullen’s campaign. (How many twenty-somethings donate nearly $500 to elections campaigns?)
  • 2008 – Bachrach moves to Telkwa and ran for village council.
  • Nov 2008 – Nov 2011 Telkwa village council
  • 2011 – Bachrach moves to Smithers and is urged by Bill Goodacre (former NDP MLA) to run as mayor of Smithers in order to oppose the the proposed Enbridge oil pipeline.
  • 2008 and 2011- Bachrach Communications is the single largest recipient (over $25,000) of payments from Cullen’s campaigns.
  • 2017- Donaldson becomes Minister, Michelle Larstone is immediately hired in a full time position at FLNRO.
  • 2019- Bachrach is railroaded in past McPhee as the NDP candidate, Cullen works behind scenes to ensure his nomination, then actively campaigns for him. Bachrach is elected (large slide in NDP support) in October.

As mentioned above Taylor Bachrach is heavily influence by his connection in the Eco-radical community, in his early years and the people who help him up the political ladder is the American owned Sierra Club from its B.C. Chapter. Since that date Taylor Bachrach expanded his connections to actively undermine industrial growth in Northern BC.

Dispite aboriginal support for the CGL project, in particular ever single band on the CGL route in Northern BC, I will name them one by one the Stellat’en First Nation, Saik’uz First Nation, Cheslatta Carrier Nation, McLeod Lake Indian Band, Saulteau First Nations, Kitselas First Nation, West Moberly First Nations, Lheidli T’enneh First Nation, Nadleh Whut’en Indian Band, Burns Lake Indian Band, Blueberry River First Nations, Halfway River First Nation, Doig River First Nation, Wet’suwet’en First Nation, Yekooche First Nation, Nee Tahi Buhn Indian Band, Skin Tyee First Nation, Witset First Nation, Nak’azdli Whut’en, Haisla Nation, all of whom support the CLG pipeline.

Taylor Bachrach voted in parliament Feb 24th 2020, against standing in solidarity with every elected band council on the Coastal GasLink route and the vast majority of the Wet’suwet’en people who support the Coastal GasLink project and to condemn the radical activists holding our economy hostage. For more on his betrayal of our communities read the following article Taylor Bachrach voted against his riding in Skeena–Bulkley Valley

Taylor Bachrach is hotly opposed to the Bill C-229, a Conservative Private Member’s Bill to repeal the North Coast Oil Tanker Moratorium.

What is the tanker ban bill?

Bill C-48 aims to ban ships that hold over 12,500 metric tons of oil from waters off the north of B.C.’s coast. The ban would start at north of 50°53′00′′ north latitude and west of 126°38′36′′ west longitude — from the northernmost point of Vancouver Island to the Alaskan border. This same bill in now coming under a review, rightfully so. The much touted “Would Ban Tankers off BC’s North Coast” does nothing of the sort.

At any given time, the current ratio of Canadian tankers to US tankers in the Salish Sea (the collection of Puget Sound, the Juan de Fuca Strait, and the Strait of Georgia near Vancouver) is roughly one to nine, meaning marine traffic off Canada’s West Coast is primarily American by a large percentage. Approximately 1.2 million barrels per day travel through the Strait, and of these, about 500,000 barrels are en route to the Seattle area and have mostly come directly from Alaska.

So the tanker ban is a lie, it had only one objective, to stop Canadian oil from leaving Canada.

Originally in an attempt to block Northern Gateway a group of people come up with the idea to kill the project by having a tanker ban on the inside coast (not the outside coast) that would only stop Canada from shipping out oil. Most local residents fell for the narratives provided by Nathan Cullen, and the Sierra Club thanks to a multi million dollar propaganda campaign funded by the Tides Foundation, who in turn is helping make the USA the number one oil exporter in the world.  Keep in mind a lot has changed since that time, the world has seen a ton of innovations since that time, what used to be risks, are no longer such.

This tanker ban has allowed the United States to move into the position of number one oil producer in the world, thanks to the efforts of  Nathan Cullen who conspired with the Tides Foundation to cut Canada out of the oil market.

A must read article about Taylor Bachrach’s involvement with the tanker ban can be read here Canada’s Stupid Tanker Ban – Its time for Bill C-229

In light of his connection to the Dogwood conspiracy, imagine the gall it takes to say the following to Canadians, clearly he has no shame.

Pardon me? Hundreds and hundreds? You call 38 people hundreds and hundreds?

Lets have a look shall we?

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