About Us

Educating criminals on how to screw over BC Citizens.

Recall the term professional bullshitter? These are people who get paid to talk, be that via professions like journalist, lawyer or politician. There is also an old adage in play here, its called follow the money, follow it from start to finish and every speech they make becomes redundant, once you know who is paying who and for what. The second thing we know is there is very little freedom of speech in Communist countries. likewise there is very little freedom for lawyers to practice law, or justice within the bounds of communism, then it gets watered down as we go from communism to socialism. In Canada we have a lot of socialism, follow the money.  Read Canada’s $600 million ‘media bailout’: A guide to federal tax breaks for the news industry In a nutshell, politics bought the bottom line of journalism in Canada. Then look at how senators get appointed by politicians who now hold outstanding “you owe me’s” next we have a lot of judges and justices also appointed by people with political agendas. Now let’s not forget how the attorney generals office runs. Next look at David Eby, current premier of British Columbia since November 18, 2022.

We could write a book on his antics, but will keep it brief, Eby was Attorney General of British Columbia (2017–2022) so as an NDP leader in control of his party, he knows exactly how to legally manipulate the law to allow radical elements that promote division and hatred under the guise of activism. Eby the executive director of the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA) from 2008 until 2012. He is the author of The Arrest Handbook: A Guide to Your Rights, published by the BCCLA. Nobody has done more to undermine the rights and privileges of British Columbia than this man has. Every protest, every blockade, every riot, every shut down sawmill in BC has Eby to thank for his role in undermining society.

We highly recommend you read “Journalists or Promotional Agents?” and BC Prosecution Service – Criminal Negligence?  showing how sleazy journalists have become. We will include a small quote.


“Here is the story, have you ever heard of roughly 58 people being arrested by the RCMP at a cost of over 20 Million Dollars (according to the left wing rag the Tyee) all these highly trained and educated police officers doing what they are trained and paid to do. And have someone, who was it? Was it Horgan? Was it Nathan Cullen? Murray Rankin? Was it that David Eby who used to run the Civil Liberties association who is now the attorney general of British Columbia? That total was just for the hoodlums breaking the law south of Houston on the Morice River logging road, add to that the hooligans breaking the law in Hazelton where 14 more people were arrested, then another two more this year, so the combined total now is well over 70 arrests of persons intentionally breaking the law and causing harm to legitimate business.”

All got off pretty much Scot free, so who is to blame here? Was it the RCMP or the NDP?
This was intentional sabotage, yet those responsible are walking free.


Then comes the “who are we?”

Clearly we are none of the above, we are part of the community living at ground zero where we are being bombarded by political bull manure.


We are members of the local community, we live here, grew up here, and will most likely be buried here as well, but we are not going down in silence.


We earn nothing from supporting local industry, our primary interest is making sure future generations living here, have a chance to earn a decent living without moving out of our Northern Communities. First and foremost we are local, have been all our lives, topics covered are from a local perspective and somehow jackasses from all over the world want to impose their dream world on us, and sending us the bill as an added bonus.

Most of the information we share is locally gathered by other citizens of our community, you might say that we live at ground zero and continually have to battle radicals from outside of our region, province and or even county.


We are simply put, a group of locals fed up with the noise made by just a few people who want to destroy the lifestyles we worked so hard to create, we are among those who built the communities that exists within the Skeena Watershed.. Most environmentalists belong to multiple groups to make the groups look more inflated.

If this website looks like its a Northern British Columbia project, it is exactly that. Be sure you check out our Latest News, where we keep you updated on what they are doing behind your backs. It can be found in the right hand side top of page.

The secret to the successes of the so called environmentalist movement is deception, lies, violence and wilful destruction of private property all orchestrated to their end goal.  They do not care about our environment, but want anarchy, where criminals control society.

From Prince Rupert to Prince George we are flooded with popup groups funded by foreign radical organizations, most are connected to the Tides Foundation as well as other billion dollar giants, determined to stop Canada from becoming a major competitor in the oil, gas, and any other viable economic industry. See this list of organizations from outside of Canada


See our ever growing list of Eco-Radical Organizations We also created a list of locals in the forefront of implementing the Eco terrorist agenda. Eco-Radical Activists . They created their own press and claim to be mainstream news Eco Radical websites. Last but not least is the so called local reporters funded by tax payers under the guise of the local journalism initiative created by the Liberal left.


Our job is to expose them, and expose the truth, sadly they are funded largely by organizations outside of Canada. This website is in a constant state of upgrades with information as we find it, we will share it.

Before i close I want to share something with you about who we seniors are, and how we have a woke generation thinking they are the experts. I stole this gem (video below) from social media and wish to dedicate it to all those phony  woke “green” environmentalists.

The criminals that did this are still out there at large, its time to tie up these rabid like environmentalists. (click to enlarge)

Again, its almost impossible to believe there was not some sort of collaboration to insure nobody was charged. If indeed we spent millions on the Community-Industry Response Group (C-IRG maybe its time to spend as many to insure the criminals are caught, arrested and locked up for more than this insane 28 day sentences. Lock them up or make them pay restitution, and seize their go fund me accounts.