Eco-Radical Activists

Jennifer Rice

The Eco Activist profile of Jennifer Rice


Jennifer Rice was born and raised in Ottawa, Ontario. Following high school she worked at long-term care facilities and as an open water scuba diving and kayaking instructor. She moved to Prince Rupert, British Columbia, in 2003 to attend Northwest Community College’s coastal ecology program. She helped open the World Wildlife Fund’s Prince Rupert office as a volunteer and a staff member. She acted as chair of the non-profit organization called the Friends of Wild Salmon and, in 2009, she went to work for the T. Buck Suzuki Foundation. During this time she was a vocal opponent of the Northern Gateway project. She was elected to the Prince Rupert city council in 2011 and was on council when they unanimously voted to oppose the Northern Gateway project. (source)

The above sort of says it all, a career EcoActivist

Fast Facts on Jennifer Rice


  • Official spokesperson for Friends of Wild Salmon (reference) It should be noted she did a joint statement with Nikki Skuce – Forest Ethics, Josh Paterson – West Coast Environmental Law Association and Eric Swanson – Dogwood Initiative in 2011 (birds of a feather)
  • Jennifer Rice –addresses Enbridge JRP in Prince Rupert (2012) as the official representative of the T Buck Suzuki Environmental Foundation addresses Enbridge JRP in Prince Rupert (reference)
  • North Coast MLA Jennifer Rice spent more than twice that of main opponent Judy Fraser during May’s provincial election, though she was given much more money from the party to campaign on than Fraser. Numbers released by Elections BC on Aug. 19 show Rice’s total income came in at $67,194 for the campaign, a figure that included $18,208 in private contributions and $48,736 from the NDP. Rice accepted no donations more than $100 from companies on the North Coast, but accepted a $12,000 donation from the United Food and Commercial Worker’s Union and $300 from the United Fishermen and Allied Worker’s Union and an additional $150 from other trade unions. Individual contributions accounted for $5,467. (source)
  • Des Nobels from the T Buck Suzuki Environmental Foundation was from and center during Jennifer Rice’s first election campaign answering most of the press questions forwarded to her.
  • MLA Rice finds a fence to straddle a more recent piece (February 11, 2020) that is most certainly worth a read on how to pretend you support opposing factions. “That is the case when it comes to the ongoing issues on the Morice West Forest Service Road over the last month and the opposition that has been found for the Coastal GasLink pipeline. A project which has been endorsed by the British Columbia government of which Ms. Rice is a member of.

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