Wildsight – Note they would not be in our list if not for their connection to Friends of Wild Salmon as one of the supporters. No matter who you align with if your dependent on American Radical Institutions, you will do their bidding. This one does have the Tides Foundation, as one of the sources of funding.
Below is what they declare they do to hold charity status with the federal goverment.
” Provide educational programs to schools 2. Community sustainability work through programs such as: food sustainability (gardening, composting workshops), environmental educations (movies), clean air campaigns 3. Outdoor awareness and appreciation programs such as Wild Nature tours, Go Wild, Creston Valley Bird Festival 4. Organize seminars/public events/conferences with expert speakers on environmental topics and films;5. Conduct scientific studies and ongoing monitoring, e.g. water monitoring, forest health monitoring 6. Present reasoned studies on environmental protection and its relation to community stability and habitat conservation topics to the public, decision makers and the media 7. Produce education brochures, displays, (…) videos and online content 8. Participate in community processes to ensure environmental protection is considered in the planning”
Funded by
444s Foundation, BC Hydro, Brainerd Foundation, Canada Summer Jobs, Columbia Basin Trust, Columbia Power, Columbia Shuswap Regional District, Columbia Valley Community Foundation, Fortis Bc, Hamber Foundation, John And Barbara Poole Family Funds At Edmonton Community Foundation, Kimberley Community Foundation, Liz Claiborne & Art Ortenberg Foundation, Mclean Foundation, Nserc, Osprey Community Foundation, Patagonia, Province Of Bc, Rbc Foundation, Real Estate Foundation Of Bc, Regional District Of Central Kootenay, Teck Coal, Teck Trail, Tides Foundation, Vancouver Foundation, Western Mining Action Network, Wilburforce Foundation, Yellowstone To Yukon Conservation Initiative