Eco-Radical Journalists

Amanda Follett Hosgood – Radical Eco Journalists

Amanda Follett Hosgood – Radical Eco Journalists

Amanda Follett Hosgood



Amanda was raised in suburban Toronto and completed her journalism degree at Carleton University in Ottawa  In 2006, she visited Smithers and never left, using her degree to write against everything that built our community, in particular our industries. Her chief complaint always seems to read like this “did not respond to The Tyee’s questions by deadline” sort of an obvious indication even the NDP do not take her seriously, however as a mouth piece for the people living in the Skeena watershed its quite embarrassing to have her writing lies about us this way.

All out effort to open the road to domestic terrorism.


Amanda Follett Hosgood is the official reporter for the Tyee, for our Skeena/ Bulkley Valley. Most of her Tyee articles are also republished by other Eco-radical news outlets like the Narwal.

This meas she must be signature (or by way of verbal agreement) a Molly and Jennifer approved reporter.

(Click to Enlarge) This is not journalism, this is a promotional agent.


Ian Harvey has written for The Toronto Sun, National Post, Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, Macleans, Readers Digest and many other publications. (Click to Enlarge)


Amanda spent a month at  Unist’ot’en Camp also known as the Hooligans Hotel, waiting for the police raids, to witch she never publicly declared if she traded room and board for promised sympathetic articles/coverage? So we pose the question what did she pay Freda Huson for living at that hotel for a month?


  • “Babine Lake Mines Leaking Dangerous Contaminants into Salmon Habitat, Say Critics” Her most recent was her attack on Babine Lake mines in conjunction with giving SkeenaWild Conservation Trust, executive director Greg Knox a platform for his anti industry campaign. Using the Tyee (NNDP News Outlet) as their voice. Its a very twisted truth that is now more a lie than a journalist collecting facts.
  • “A Year Later, Complaint about RCMP Actions During Wet’suwet’en Conflict in Limbo” was another blatant attempt to stir up race hate in the Bulkley Valley by pitting the small amount Eco-radial aboriginals as “Indians vs white man” a complete outright lie as the majority of First Nations supported the LNG pipeline.
  • “My Night on Site C Mega-Turbine Watch” – Another story twisted to be an anti Site C article, or it might have been a rare chance to actually report a story.
  • “Coastal GasLink Is Harming Watersheds, Province Says” – Here is another anti LNG article ” officers visited sections of the 670-kilometre pipeline” not said is that this applied to only a very few sections, not kilometers of the pipeline, Amanda writes it in a way that infers its happening to the entire route. Also not said is the amount of First Nations involved in monitoring for exactly this problem. She pretends they are not working there, doing the monitoring. Just how sleazy is that?
  • “Northerners, Indigenous Communities Fear Work Camps Still a Pandemic Threat” Amanda speaks to a small contingent of well known anti LNG activists, then smears the entire Bukley Valley with a story 99% of the residents would not agree with, or even read as this in not a local news outlet.
  • “Forestry Watchdog Calls for Review of Old-Growth Logging Practices in BC’s North” This story is about the obviously “unnamed persons complaint” from Prince George, if you read the report as an alternative to her misleading article, it concludes that the goverment should “Promptly spatialize old growth management areas where the immediate risks to old forest are the greatest.” In simple English it means the goverment needs to do a study, it does NOT mean it came to a collusion as Amanda tries to infer.
  • “It Took a Global Crisis to Put the Shine on Rural Life” This one is a breath taking article on just how narrow minded some journalists are. I am guessing the intent was to write about how COVID is affecting the Tyee’s journalists, and Amanda writes a story about the boom in real estate, never once recognizing it was 100% attributed to the CGL pipeline, then she has the gall to suggest its a blessing thanks to COVID.
  • “Did Horgan Dodge a Meeting with Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs?” Funny thing about Amanda Hosgood, she has an uncanny ability to talk about the Office of the Wet’suwet’en and John Ridsdale as their official spokesman, yet is so disconnected with First nations she fails to mention that every First nations band on the pipeline route supports CGL. Now that’s not the real kicker, the one that gets me is how she covers both eyes and talks about John Ridsdale in her most recent article, without mentioning that John Ridsdale and David Belford were both dismissed from the Office of the Wet’suwet’en. Does that not sound a lot like “it does not fit our agenda” reporting?

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