Abolish CIRG

Abolish CIRG

A very telltale sign of who is behind this new website. (click to enlarge)

Sort of say it all, when you see this on the same day the new site opens. (Click to Enlarge)

A last ditch attempt in complete desperation the radical environmentalists fire up yet another website and yet one more so called coalition. Also see Brent Patterson and Peace Brigades International


Click to Enlarge

It shows how rushed this project was when they posted the so called ‘Media Release” and no where on the website do they mention who the members of this coalition are, or if they ever met as a group. It sounds to us like they built this site first then started looking for groups to add their name to it.

  We Need a Law – That governs Vote Manipulation.

Ethical rules of conduct by all organizations, media outlets and websites that are funded, and or, to influence the voters and financed by any sources outside of its board of directors on both elected and non-elected organizations. Any organization that uses public education, advocacy, protest, negotiation and non-violent direct action tactics or pays others, to achieve its goals using any money other than personal funds should be required to have an official audit, all funding received or distributed must be accounted for and that information must be public.

Contrary to leftists claims that environmentalist support is a gauge of public support, this is a outright lie, almost all support is obtained by way of funding misleading and false advertisements and organized staged protests by paid protestors

Hiding funds coming in and or being disbursed must be considered fraud.

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