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Resistance to PRGT and Ksi Lisims LNG is Dead

There was a lot of noise being generated by Dogwood BC and Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition they even got the Wilderness Committee involved, the net result? We just has an election in this exact region of our province, the and the Chief Blockader by the name of  name of Wil Marsden was only able to garner 588 votes or 6.3% of the vote. For all intensive purposes we might as well declare that those misfits lost their quest to shut down the pipeline. Illegal never goes far in today’s society, and as a collective society we cannot give in to blackmail and extortion by a few hoodlums. The total votes in our riding was 9297, in fact a very poor turnout overall, and the majority of votes for Wil Marsden came from non aboriginal Green Party suppoters. The Green supporters  totalled 1,406 votes in the last election (2021), in part due to a change in boundaries, when they had a non aboriginal in the running.


The bottom line is the aborihal vote did not go to  Wil Marsden or the Green Party, it went almost 100% to the Nathan Cullen, inclusive of the entire Gitxsan Nation’s votes.

I dare to speculate that the public has grown weary of the many imaginary consequences announced by individuals getting rich as the milk the anti industry organizations like The American Tides Foundation or similar organizations.

Most people understand the benefits are great, and the consequences are mostly imaginary. To date, the Coastal GasLink pipeline project has created 25,700 jobs, generated $3.2 billion for BC’s GDP, and $331 million in tax revenue in addition to spending $3.95 billion with B.C. businesses and suppliers.

If those numbers mean nothing to you, you have a serious education problem. The use of LNG goes a long ways towards reducing global carbon emissions, unlike the 3000 plus coal fired electricity generators in China today, and the number continues to grow. I do sincerely believe most Gitxsan and Wetʼsuwetʼen know and understand this, and it is exactly why they could not vote for Chief Blockader.


“We’ve actually estimated right now that our natural gas exports by Coastal GasLink could reduce the global CO2 emissions by 60 to 90 million tons,” added Desarmia, noting that amount is larger than B.C.’s total annual emissions.



Hiding behind climate change as evidence is as insane as thinking you can tax people enough you can avoid having winter. Climate change as been around longer than human history. I know what these cash hunters are trying to do, find people too far away from the problem and suck them into cash donations. If they live far enough away from where things occur, they will never know how badly they were duped. CGL was a classic case of making millions by a few radical misfits, and walking away laughing all the way to the bank, while we all know the pipe went into the ground, and the imaginary disaster will never occur.

The screenshot below is from Wil Marsden’s X profile page (formerly Twitter)

Click to Enlarge



Wil Marsden had the full support of Kai Nagata and Shannon McPhail as well as the community of both Kispiox village and Kispiox Valley community,  plus the community of Gitanyow. He also had the support of the Gitanyow Chiefs. Even the infamous Kolin Sutherland-Wilson was on board and actively promoting the illegal blockade, this being his second attempt as shutting down pipelines, he had a lot of experience to share. Oddly Wil Marsden chose to use the name Wilhelm Marsden as his profile name for the election, its odd because the name Wilhelm has its roots in Germany.

The name Wilhelm represents a distinctive blend of willpower and protection, drawing from its Germanic origins. Once associated with the symbolism of helmets and the aspirations for strength, this name has traversed through history, leaving its mark in the annals of royalty and national identity. While its usage has evolved over time, Wilhelm remains a treasure for those who seek to embrace their historical heritage and honor the deep roots of their German ancestry.


Consider this, the number of eligible Gitxsan voters out of a population of 5,680 based on Census 2016 in fairness there are only 2240 registered Band members living in the four major communities. Its clear the Gitxsan Nation does not support the Chief Blockader. It looks like the Wetʼsuwetʼen Nation with a population of approx. 3,160 (2019) did not support the Chief Blockader either.

It could have been a result of a number of factors, the first is the blockade against the PRGT was done on Nisg̱a’a land.

Or that  Wil Marsden was illegally squatting  Nisg̱a’a land to operate an illegal cannabis plantation.

Or it might have something to do with his weapons trafficking charge, that still needs to be concluded in court.

Or was it because he said they were not going to have signs, as he did not want to contribute to plastic polution, then turned around and did it anyways.

Setting excuses aside, if he could not even get the support of the Gitxsan Nation or Wetʼsuwetʼen Nation, how does he expect support for the world around those nations to support him? Maybe its all about getting the support of shit disturbers from around the world to back his cause, locally he has no real support.

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